United Way of Washington County

Person holding a cell phone in front of a laptop

Testimonial - "OneEach's work with the grant application portal greatly improved efficiency."

Our Client

UW of Washington County

United Way of Washington County is a uniting force for good. They are a volunteer-driven charitable organization that serves communities in Washington County, Wisconsin. They invest in nonprofit programs that empower people to improve their lives through Education, Financial Stability, and Health. These are the building blocks for a good life. They are a funder, partner, convener, and catalyst for creating positive and lasting change.

Their Mission, Vision & Strategy

United Way of Washington County’s mission is to improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways. They envision a community where everyone achieves their full potential through Education, Financial Stability, and Health. Their strategy focuses on improving local conditions by addressing the underlying causes of community needs and issues. United Way of Washington County leverages resources and partnerships with nonprofits, businesses, schools, churches, and government to respond to community-prioritized needs.

The Challenges They Faced

The challenges United Way of Washington County was facing were:

Outdated Content
United Way of Washington County engages, convenes, and mobilizes community resources to address root causes of local health and human service needs. But, their outdated website content didn’t let the community know about the great work they were doing.

Manual Funding Applications
With over 25 programs and 20 partner agencies needing to provide services for county residents, a manual process of email and hard copies for funding applications slowed down their response time to community needs.

Difficult Board Access to Information
The Board of Directors need safe and secure access to critical information. Without a dedicated portal, they couldn’t easily access what they needed for meetings and business decisions.

The Solution

The OneEach Technologies team enjoys partnership with our clients to develop the simplest, most impactful solutions. We believe in a collaborative approach – one that empowers our clients to make the most of their website and digital services.

We partnered with United Way of Washington County with a 3-fold goal: update website content, build portals for grant application submissions, and improve accessibility to the website with a board portal.

We developed a website with compelling content that displays beautiful imagery, shows the impact of their programs on the community they serve, and provides clear navigation that helps visitors quickly find what they are looking for.

Currently, United Way of Washington County funds 29 programs through 20 partner agencies. In order for their partners to quickly and efficiently apply for funding to provide resources and referral services to local residents, we developed an easy-to-use application portal.

Lastly, the 17-member Board of Directors is accountable for overseeing the mission and policies of United Way of Washington County. They need to be able to quickly access documentation, reports, and policies for data-driven decision making. We developed a secure, confidential portal for the Board to log into to access the information they need, when they need it.

Solution Summary

Compelling & Impactful Content
Website visitors are delighted with up-to-date content and beautiful imagery.

Quick & Efficient Funding Application
Partner agencies can easily apply for needed funding through an automated process.

Safe & Secure Board Portal
Board members can quickly access the documentation they need for decision-making.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what our client has to say:

"The impact of this project was extremely valuable. It was important for 38 grant applications to be submitted via our website and not via email or hard copies.

OneEach Technologies' work with the grant application portal greatly improved efficiency, and the team's responsiveness along the way was valued and impressive. They managed the process efficiently and effectively. Customers can expect a dedicated project manager."

– Ann Hrabik, United Way of Washington County

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