United Way of Pitt County

People putting website design elements on a large white board

Testimonial - "Making a positive impact on the organization, the platform has seen an uptick in donations."

Our Client

United Way of Pitt County puts opportunity in the hands of all in Pitt County. Working with their determined supporters, they lead the charge to strengthen education, earnings and ensure access to essentials; the building blocks of opportunity. Above all, they inspire their community to Live United to achieve lasting results right there at home.

How They Do It

United Way of Pitt County brings the best people, ideas, and projects together to create opportunities for all, and they use our networks and know-how to make them happen. They foster social innovation, mobilize volunteers, drive business participation and spur the public and lawmakers to act for the common good.

Who They Work With

United Way of Pitt County works with a wide variety of individuals and organizations to put opportunity in the hands of everyone in Pitt County. In short, they inspire people from all walks of life and every part of their community to join them in creating lasting change.

The Challenges They Faced

Obsolete Website
United Way of Pitt County is a nonprofit focused on building and strengthening their communities by investing in programs and services that make the greatest impact. But their outdated website was not easy to use and didn’t let visitors know about the various programs and ways they could support them.

Poor Performing Campaigns
United Way of Pitt County partners with over a dozen community organizations to help their community in the areas of school success, workforce development, and providing basic needs. But they didn’t have an effective way to encourage donors and partners’ staff to pledge and donate to support their programs.

The Solution

The OneEach Technologies team enjoys partnership with our clients to develop the simplest, most impactful solutions. We believe in a collaborative approach – one that empowers our clients to make the most of their website and digital services.

We partnered with United Way of Pitt County with two goals in mind: (1) build a user-friendly, modern website where visitors could learn more about their various programs and ways they could contribute to the nonprofit’s mission, and (2) create platforms for their corporate partners that would allow their staff members the ability to easily pledge and/or donate online for the partners’ individual campaigns.

We developed an easy-to-navigate website that allows them to write the stories of real people in Pitt County who needed a hand up and United Way, their community partners, and their donors were there for them. They can now show the community how they are making a greater impact locally when they work together and invest in their community.

Additionally, we built a section of the website that allows visitors and partner organizations’ staff to get involved in the various campaigns with materials and resources to help them plan, promote, generate awareness, and run their own United Way fundraising campaigns.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what our client has to say:

"Making a positive impact on the organization, the platform has seen an uptick in donations. OneEach Technologies’ support staff is helpful and responsive during correspondence and customized training. Their team maintains effective organizational and attention-to-detail practices."

– Susan Tidd, Director of Resource Development, United Way of Pitt County

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