Modern, Audience-Driven Websites for Nonprofits

Why Is It Important for a Nonprofit to Have a Modern and Audience-Driven Website?

A guide to building authentic and modern websites for nonprofits.

Like a business or corporation selling goods and services, a nonprofit has a strong foundation with a mission statement, vision, community influence, and yearly goals for the organization. A nonprofit’s message and mission are purpose-driven and built to help humanity, animals, or our planet. Because helping others is the driver for most nonprofits, nonprofits websites should also communicate that drive for positive change. Inspire people to join, donate their time, and promote the nonprofit within their communities by utilizing a modern and audience-driven website to expand the reach and create brand awareness online.

From a business perspective, every company needs a sales and marketing plan to help them create brand recognition, make money, and grow the business. The same rules apply to nonprofits. By creating a nonprofit website, you can utilize online marketing tools to:

  • Educate people on the cause: The nonprofit’s mission, story, and details of how it all began are available for the audience to read and learn about the impact they can make.
  • Bring in more donations and volunteers: If the nonprofit accepts donations on the website, you can now get donations from people worldwide.
  • Increase the audience reach and traffic to the foundation: A credible and attractive website will help you uphold a good reputation for the nonprofit and create positive first impressions.
  • Streamline marketing and promotional efforts: Having a website also gives your advertisers, PR, and volunteers a place to send traffic for more info. For example, if the local news station comes to your blood drive, they will want to promote your foundation. Giving them your website link is simple and will continue to boost your traffic. Your website will have everything a person needs to know or can learn about your organization.